Quilting for Everyone: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Quilting Community
Posted by Steve Baker on 8/26/2023 to
Quilting is a unique form of art that has been around for centuries but has historically been associated with women and certain ethnic groups. However, in recent years, the quilting community has become more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. This trend has provided an rich opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion within the quilting community.
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From Scraps to Treasures: How to Create Stunning Quilts from Leftover Fabric Pieces
Posted by Steve Baker on 8/17/2023 to
Quilting has a long tradition of making something new out of leftover pieces of fabric, called scraps. It’s an art form that’s been around for centuries, and millions of unique quilts have been created with the scraps of generations before
From Pins to Pictures: How Social Media is Changing the Face of Quiltsharing
Posted by Steve Baker on 8/8/2023 to
Social media platforms are beneficial for bringing together quilters from all around the world, allowing them to share their projects, connect with fellow quilters and find inspiration.